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Trade Patrik Saarto
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Machinery exports boosted Finnish goods exports to Uzbekistan to a historic high in 2023

Uzbekistanin lippu. Kuvituskuva:

Machinery exports boosted Finnish goods exports to Uzbekistan to a historic high in 2023

Finland exported filtering machinery, transmission technology, as well as electric generators and motors to Uzbekistan.

The value of goods exported from Finland to Uzbekistan increased by 86.5 percent in 2023 compared to the previous year, according to statistics from Finnish Customs. The value of goods exports was 90.7 million euros.

The export value reached a new record in the statistical data starting from 2002. The previous highest values were 52.9 million euros in 2008 and 51.0 million euros in 2021.

The rise in the export value in 2023 was particularly notable in October, when the export value rose to 29.1 million euros. During that month, Finland exported filtering or purification machinery for liquids or gases worth 13.4 million euros, and transmission shafts worth 4.1 million euros to Uzbekistan. The export value also surged in May when electric generators and motors worth 8.5 million euros were exported to Uzbekistan.

Finland’s total goods exports decreased by 6.7 percent in 2023, amounting to 76.2 billion euros. Uzbekistan’s share of the value of Finland’s goods exports was 0.1 percent.

Exports dominated by machinery

Machinery and transport equipment accounted for 71.6 percent of the value of goods exports, equating to 64.9 million euros. The value of machinery exports increased by 185.6 percent. Of the machine exports, 31.2 million euros were general industrial machinery, which includes October’s filtration and transmission machinery. Engines and motors worth 17.3 million euros were exported, including the electric generators and motors of May and other months.

Export of machinery for specialized industries, such as earth moving and agricultural machinery, increased by 44.7 percent to 7.0 million euros.

The value of paper exports to Uzbekistan decreased by 30.8 percent and the volume by 31.3 percent. Paper worth 6.3 million euros and totaling 6,490 tons was exported. Paper exports to Uzbekistan have declined in recent years.

In the category of manufactured articles, the value of exported instruments and apparates was five times higher than the previous year, amounting to 5.2 million euros. In food products, dairy exports grew by 68.5 percent, valued at 5.1 million euros. The export of chemicals decreased by 62.2 percent, amounting to 3.2 million euros.

Metal products imported from Uzbekistan

The value of goods imported from Uzbekistan to Finland grew by 10.7 percent in 2023, amounting to 4.8 million euros. Of this, 2.5 million euros were iron and steel bars and 1.5 million euros were wire products.

The value of goods imports from Uzbekistan has been higher since 2021. In 2021 and 2022, a significant portion of imports consisted of plastics in primary forms. In 2008, there was a sharp spike in imports from Uzbekistan when 46.8 million euros worth of oil products were imported to Finland.


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