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Business in Russia in times of the CORONA crisis: State support measures, SME status, personnel costs and practical experience


Dear Ladies and Gentlemen,
Swilar group and audit firm Sterngoff Audit – with active participation of law firm Balashova Legal Consultants, OOO ALU-PRO and OOO Fenzi (members of Glass Alliance Group of Companies), and with kind support of the Finnish-Russian Chamber of Commerce (SVKK), the Italian-Russian Chamber of Commerce and the International Controller Verein are happy to invite you to the following webinar on the topic:

Business in Russia in times of the CORONA crisis:
State support measures, SME status,
personnel costs and practical experience

Date: 26.05.2020
Time: 17.00-18.30 (Moscow)
Language: English
Participation is free of charge.


1. Current situation in Russia and state support measures for business
Eugenia Chernova, Project Leader, swilar OOO

2. SME status for foreign companies in Russia
Daria Pogodina, General Manager, swilar OOO

3. SME status for foreign companies in Russia: auditor’s comments
Olga Grigorieva, General Manager, Sterngoff Audit OOO
Gerts Paltsev, Sterngoff Audit OOO

4. Optimization of personal costs during coronavirus pandemic
Elena Balashova, Managing Partner BLC Law Firm

5. Production experience in Russia in times of CORONA restrictions
Francesco Costa, General Manager ALU-PRO OOO, FENZI OOO

6. Q&A

Download the programme

The event takes place using ZOOM.

Please register for the event at the link or by email to Ms. Alis Endres [email protected]

You will receive the corresponding access data including registration code and link by 25th of May 2020 at the latest at the email address provided when registering.
Please note that the number of registrations will be limited. Registrations are processed in chronological order.

It will be our great pleasure if you join our webinar!


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