INNO58h student course by EDUFI in Russia
Let Finnish-Russian business student team find innovative solutions!
We would like to offer you unique opportunity to participate with real assignment to very first INNO58h student course in Russia. This is part of Innovation Intensive Course, which is supported also for the first time by EDUFI (former CIMO). In addition to coordinating university, Turku University of Applied Sciences other participants are UMTE (Saint Petersburg University of Management Technologies and Economics) and RANEPA (North Western Institute of Economics). Both Finnish and Russian side will be participating with 20 students i.e. totally 40.
INNO58h concept: A powerful combination of both Finnish and Russian innovative solutions to enhance business competitiveness. INNO58h combines different academic disciplines and students from different universities, this time from both Turku and St.Petersburg.
INNO58h was established in 2009 by Turku University of Applied Sciences (TUAS). Since that INNO58h has been organized over 15 times with over 100 assignments totally. The platform has been at both open and closed social media for many years, eg. “Slack” on Spring 2018
The most fruitful assignments have been those where young marketing/sales/management students work from their own generation´s perspective. For example our assignments have been “How to generate purchase of impulse products / candies online at channel x and y” (how to make new channels feasible for impulse products “Me and my skin: How to make people talk/ share/ follow about caring with others?” (i.e how to make phenomenon), “How to make cooking with high-quality tools trendy by using social media?” (on-line trading) etc.
Working fee/ cost for companies: 1,000€ or equal in Rouble on useful outcome. If company is not satisfied with the result, working fee will not be charged. The aim is to keep high quality working and to secure useful results. Each group consists of four to six students and a combination of Russian and Finnish persons. You will get at least 500 hours working load! No fee if not use results.
We would need your research-challenge by the end of August 2018. You will get presented outcomes by mid-October. The pre-workshop will take place in Turku for Finnish students and in St Petersburg for Russian students twice on September, and there will be joint activating workshops jointly in St Petersburg on Monday and Tuesday on week 40. The Innovation camp will take place right outside St Petersburg in order to fully and actively work with given final assignment. Research results will be presented either immediately after the camp or later as agreed with the customer.
For further information and registration, please contact
Juhana Lounela
Senior Team Coach (sertified), Senior Lecturer
[email protected]