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Online Training: Digital revolution in HR – Russian experience

Jäsenhinta 0,00 € + alv

Hinta 125,00 € + alv

Technology is rapidly changing the way HR departments communicate with employees, manage documents, and analyze employee performance. Technology makes it easier to gather and break down data on employees to get an overall picture, as well as speeds up business development but also gives new perspectives and tools for business. Used well, technology makes HR practices more efficient. Good HR practices maximize the benefits and minimize the problems.

The speakers of the training will give overview of HR technologies in Russia from the technical and legislative points of view and give useful advice on special requirements. Finnish company
already using HR technologies in Russia will share their experience.
The language of the event is English.


Main trends in HR Tech
Ilya Drozman, Vice President, GMCS
Daria Korneva, HR information specialist, GMCS

  • Remote work is not a trend, but a necessity
  • Tools for organizing effective training and staff development
  • What RPA is and how it works
  • How RPA helps support faster HR service delivery
  • Which processes can benefit from RPA technology

Juridical aspects for implementing digital solutions in HR

Olga Lobanova, Senior legal counsel, Auditor,  Emerging Markets Group

  • Aspects of the internal company regulations
  • Employees’ consents to the personal data processing
  • Items to be discussed with the HR service provider while concluding a contract
  • When the notification on the personal data processing should be filed to Roskomnadzor?

Company case:
Elena Burlakovskaya, HR & administration manager, Leipurien Tukku

Training is free of charge for Finnish Russian Chamber of Commerce membership companies.

The participation fee for non-members is 125 € + VAT

Information and registration through web site or by contacting Irina Krasnova: [email protected], tel. +7 921 796 0338

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