Minister Tavio to visit Kazakhstan with Finnish companies
Minister for Foreign Trade and Development Ville Tavio will lead a trade mission to Almaty and Astana in Kazakhstan on 9–12 April.
Minister for Foreign Trade and Development Ville Tavio will lead a trade mission to Almaty and Astana in Kazakhstan on 9–12 April.
EastCham Finland Конфедерація фінської промисловості (EK) Публікація 26 березня 2024 р. о 8:00 EastCham Finland відкриває офіс у Києві у співпраці з Конфедерацією фінської промисловості (EK). Офіс допоможе фінським компаніям брати участь у проєктах відновлення та забезпечить доступ на український ринок. 1 квітня Олена Куцай приступить до роботи на посаді керівника офіса. Починаючи з цієї...
EastCham Finland is setting up an office in Kyiv in cooperation with the Confederation of Finnish Industries (EK). The office will help Finnish companies to participate in rebuilding projects and access the Ukrainian market. On 1 April, Olena Kutsai will start as Head of the Office.
More than 20 Finnish and 80 Kazakh companies gather for networking and seeking business opportunities during a Team Finland mission to Almaty on 26–27 September 2023. The business delegation is led by H.E. Ms. Soili Mäkeläinen-Buhanist, Ambassador of Finland to Kazakhstan.
The companies also highlighted waste and water management, agriculture, as well as planning and consulting.
Minister for Development Cooperation and Foreign Trade Ville Skinnari will lead a broad delegation on a visit to Uzbekistan from 21 to 23 February and to Kazakhstan from 23 to 25 February. Minister Skinnari is scheduled to meet state leaders of both countries.
The Finnish-Russian Chamber of Commerce has expanded its market area, updated its name and made changes to its rules. The decisions were made at an extraordinary meeting of the Chamber of Commerce members on 28 September 2022 on the basis of a proposal from the Board of Directors.