Nutrient recycling
Case examples of nutrient recycling from Finland
- RAVITA™ process – comprehensive nutrient recovery at wastewater treatment plant: an innovative process developed in Helsinki Region Environmental Services HSY, where phosphorus recovered from wastewater as phosphoric acid. The end product is suitable for industry as w raw material or, alternatively, ammonium phosphate to be used directly as fertilizer. Phosphoric acid is a valuable and versatile chemical, while ammonium phosphate is suitable for use as fertilizer as such.
More information: RAVITA – HSY
- Efficient recycling of nutrients and carbon from wastewater with sludge pyrolysis: Helsinki Region Environmental Services HSY are developing innovative methods for utilizing the nutrients and carbon from municipal wastewater in order to enhance circular economy. The pyrolysis of sewage sludge is an important strategic project for HSY. Together with RAVITA-technology HSY has formed a concept where nutrients and carbon from wastewater can be recycled more efficiently.
This video presents a pilot plant built at the Ämmässuo eco-industrial center to test the pyrolysis of municipal wastewater sludge.
- Innovative combined treatment technologies to enhance nitrogen removal and recovery in cold wastewater –project: Enhancing total nitrogen removal in connection with the treatment of cold municipal wastewater by combining MBBR technology and 4D Scavenger® technology with the processes of existing activated sludge plant. The project created a cost-effective solution for enhancing nitrogen removal by utilizing technology without significant and high cost construction investments.
More information: Finnish Water Forum
- TYPKI – Resource-wise nutrient recovery from industrial wastewater: TYPKI project coordinated by VTT promoted recovery and refinement concepts of nutrients into industrial chemicals, construction materials, and fertilizer additives.
More information: Finnish Water Forum, HSY
Nanopar presents recycled fertilizers from municipal and industrial side flows. Nanopar has developed a novel method for drying the sludges – the Paskíer® Process that is based on to the vacuum assisted medium wave infrared technology and will dry organic sludges with great efficiency. In the process the sludge is dried to contain more than 90% DS and it is excellent soil improver. The dried sludge can be used as a base ingredient for producing custom made dry grains by adding soil and crop specific nutrients as per the requirements.
More information:
Soilfood ulitized industrial side streams into recycled raw materials for industry and products for agriculture. The company produces high-quality recycled fertilisers and soil improvers for farms and offer know-how for the use of products. Thousands of farmers rely on company’s products in Nordics.
Soilfood cooperates with e.g. pulp and paper industry, food and enzyme industry, biogas and bioethanol plants, mining and chemical industry. Together with industry and farmers, Soilfood replaces virgin raw materials with recycled, providing at the same time the most sustainable and the most profitable solution.
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