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Altyn Shakirkhanova has been appointed Senior Business Advisor and Head of EastCham's Almaty office

Altyn Shakirkhanova has been appointed Senior Business Advisor and Head of EastCham's Almaty office

Altyn Shakirkhanova started her position on August 7, 2023. She coordinates the local work of EastCham Finland, provides market reviews, gives business advisory services, and helps Finnish companies to enter the Central Asian market, especially Kazakhstan.

Altyn Shakirkhanova has versatile experience in international business and a strong understanding of the business opportunities which Central Asia offers for Finnish companies. She has a solid experience in management position of an international organisation and good stakeholder relations. She has previously worked successfully throughout Central Asia, and also in the South Caucasus.

Altyn Shakirkhanova has previously served as Head of the Kazakhstan and Central Asian market in ACCA (Association of Certified Chattered Accountants). She has strong work experience in finance and marketing, having worked e.g., at JSC ATFBank (later UniCredit Group) and Panda Advertising Group & PJ/Wunderman.

– We warmly welcome Altyn to EastCham Finland. Her contribution is important as we strengthen the presence of our Chamber of Commerce in the Central Asian market in accordance with our strategy. She is a very good addition to the Team Finland network, says CEO Jaana Rekolainen.

– I am excited to be able to help and serve Finnish companies in Central Asia. Companies can contact me directly for all questions related to trade and investments and business environment in Central Asia in Kazakh, English or Russian, says Altyn Shakirkhanova.

Further details: Jaana Rekolainen, CEO, EastCham Finland, +358 400 457743

EastCham Finland

EastCham Finland is an expert organisation. As part of the Team Finland network, EastCham provides internationalisation services for all Finnish companies. EastCham identifies economic signals and supports business operations of Finnish companies in the markets of Central Asia and Southern Caucasus. EastCham is also preparing for the reconstruction of Ukraine together with companies. In addition, it provides sanctions consulting.

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