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Mikael Pentikäinen has been elected as the Chairman of EastCham Finland’s board

Suomen Yrittäjien toimitusjohtaja Mikael Pentikäinen. Kuva: Markus Sommers

Mikael Pentikäinen has been elected as the Chairman of EastCham Finland’s board

The board of EastCham Finland has chosen Mikael Pentikäinen as its chairman until the general meeting to be held in the spring of 2024. Pentikäinen has served as the Vice Chairman of the Chamber of Commerce from 2019 to 2023 and as a member of the board since 2018. Mikael Pentikäinen is the CEO of Suomen Yrittäjät.

Ilkka Salonen, who has led the board since spring 2019, has resigned. EastCham Finland warmly thanks Ilkka Salonen for his excellent and committed work as the Chairman of the Chamber of Commerce.

Elina Multanen will continue as the Vice Chairman of the board. The composition of the board otherwise remains the same.

“I promised to lead the board until the annual meeting next spring when Ilkka Salonen, who has excellently led the board, resigned. We are trying to find a person with strong operational experience in EastCham’s markets to lead the board in the spring,” says Mikael Pentikäinen.

Under the leadership of Mikael Pentikäinen, the board is working on opening EastCham’s office in Ukraine. Ukraine is becoming an important market for Finnish companies. The Chamber of Commerce supports companies by providing concrete advice and information on the business environment and opportunities, as well as a partner network.

“EastCham is now facing a new challenge. We have helped companies leave Russia, and now we are helping them find new markets. It is particularly important to establish a foothold in Ukraine, where EastCham is opening an office to support Finnish companies,” says Mikael Pentikäinen.

“It is great to have Mikael Pentikäinen lead our strategy-driven work. He has actively served as a member and vice chairman of the board, bringing us important expertise from the business field and his networks,” says Jaana Rekolainen, CEO of EastCham.

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