Sustainable Waste Management
Sustainable Waste Management – Cooperation Project with Russian Federation was launched in November 2019, and it continued until the end of 2021. The project was implemented by the Ministry of the Environment of Finland and financed by the Ministry for Foreign Resources. The project was realized in the close collaboration with the Ministry of Natural Resources and Environment of Russian Federation (Minprirody).
The aim of the project was exchanging and sharing experiences and best practices on waste management and the circular economy, as well as relevant technologies to support the comprehensive and resource-efficient implementation of the Russian waste management. The projects focused on waste management regulation and legislation aspects, environmental education and awareness, as well as encouraged development of co-operation projects between Finland and Russia, and promotion of new solutions in the waste management and waste management sector. In addition, the project aimed to increase coordination and information exchange between different projects and initiatives in waste sector, which were realized in Finland.
The focus areas of the project were Barents region, St. Petersburg and Leningrad region, but some activities would be implemented also on federal level.