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Team Finland visit to Almaty, Kazakhstan

Almaty, Kazakhstan

Team Finland visit to Almaty, headed by ambassador Soili Mäkeläinen-Buhanist


Team Finland Almaty

Team Finland Almaty

Kazakhstan is the most prosperous and economically developed country in Central Asia. Since the 2000s, Kazakhstan has seen impressive economic growth driven by market-oriented reforms, abundant mineral resources extraction, and strong FDI. Sustained economic growth has transformed the country into an upper middle-income economy. European Union is the largest trading partner of Kazakhstan.

Kazakhstan provides business opportunities in many sectors: mining, agriculture, education, energy efficiency and cleantech, water supply and many others.

Almaty is the most populous city of the country inhabiting over 2 million people and is considered to be the business capital of the country.

The visit program will include:

Tuesday 26th September

  • Business forum
  • B2B -meetings

Venue: InterContinental Hotel
181 Zheltoksan Street Almaty

Wednesday 27th September

  • Company visits

Please note, that the program will be tailored according to the participating companies’ wishes and sectors they represent. The registered companies are asked to provide background information for this purpose.

Key industries of the visit:

  • Mining
  • Water technologies
  • Cleantech
  • Machinery
  • Education

Registration, travelling and costs & venue:

  • Registration deadline August 28th.
  • Venue (1st day):
    InterContinental Hotel
    181 Zheltoksan Street Almaty

Participation fee:

690 € + VAT. For EastCham membership companies 520 € + VAT.
2nd participant from the same company 400 € + VAT. Please note the registration DL above.

The participation fee includes the program in Almaty, transportation during the company visits and lunches/dinners according to the program. B2B-meetings will be organized according to participating companies’ profiles and wishes.

The price does not include flights/travel to Almaty, airport transfers or accommodation. Each participant makes their own travel and accommodation arrangements. Please consider Monday 25th (at the latest) as a travelling date from Finland to Almaty.

There is a special price for accommodation in InterContinental Hotel Almaty for participants, details will be provided during registration.

More information and registration: Tarja Teittinen, [email protected], +358 44 02 99997.

Right to changes is reserved.


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