Club: Ukraine Update with Ambassador Olga Dibrova
Date and time: 24.1.2024 at 9.00-10.30 (morning coffee at 8.30)
Place: Eteläranta 10, Helsinki or Online
Welcome to our member’s club to meet with Ambassador of Ukraine to Finland.
We have the honor of welcoming Her Excellency Ambassador Olga Dibrova to our club as keynote speaker. We will hear interesting updates on Finnish Ukrainian business and Ukraine reconstruction situation.
We will also hear two interesting company cases:
RTL-Inductives Oy, Wladimir Ilivizky, Chairman of the Board
KONE Oyj, Eero Vassinen, Strategy Development and Market Intelligence
The discussion is moderated by Jaana Rekolainen CEO, EastCham Finland
Club for EastCham member companies only. Please note we only accept participants from companies with no links to Russia.
We reserve the right to limit the number of participants.
Information and registration through registration form on our website or by contacting Elena Niininen: [email protected], tel. +358 50 360 7742